Saturday, September 21, 2013


Morning emails:

Make magazine

Insect story

Making a GIF (gallery should not be viewed unsupervised)

Viking drawing video viewed with youngest, noted blue reflecting sky

Friday, September 20, 2013

9/19/13 Pics

Just in case this blog looks like we're highly intellectual over here -- today's activity, Slinky Nose!


Morning email, for middle kid who likes flying, a camera on an eagle.

(This is a great movie) 

Read a little from Our Marvelous Native Tongue the other day about dialect, Pidgin English and Cockney rhyming slang, because we saw the Valley in Pilgrim's Progress so we read Psalm 23, then read the Pidgin version ("Big Name watchem over sheepy-sheep, watchem over blackfella.  Blackfella no more bellycry hab").

Sending transcription of Burns' "To A Louse" and video.

Also this funny Boston clip, but some of the clips are not appropriate for younger kids so supervise

Skipping morning work today to get Killer Angels under our belt, some outside and inside work

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Co-op day -- kids did classes in arts and crafts, choir, girls clubs (Christian based), dance, recess, handbells, Spanish

Co-op isn't counted towards school hours for us

Friend visit after, me for fries and lemonade at local restaurant, extended visit to Goodwill (the G.W.)

Individual reading with dad, not me

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

9/18/13 Pics

Dog with banana peel, snack time with reading outside

Beetle climbing up behind us during math

Improv P.E.

This moth spent over half an hour walking around slurping up leftover sugar from the banana bread snack



For oldest, Babysitter Club review.

Killer Angels notes the man who wrote Taps, as a lullaby, during the Civil War.  He wrote bugle calls.

Start the next version of Pilgrim's Progress.  Only watch half hour.

Pictures from electron microscopes (color enhanced), including a moth proboscis.


Library to work on Red Cross babysitting class for oldest, Coursera dinosaur class for middle, to not use up bandwidth. Spent several hours trying to make it work, but library #1 had slow connection (couldn't even log in to Coursera) and library #2 had an exam being proxied in the computer room. 

Pharmacy and grocery.

Killer Angels.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Chinese constellation story (also Japanese, apparently):

Story here and here, with activities

And here's a youtube

Podcast for astronomy

Morning work -- maths, Bible, spelling

Youngest book work, Dick and Jane, Usborne Moon and Planets, two knight books, one castle book, etc.

Killer Angels

Monday, September 16, 2013


Albino and white animals.

Morning Math Mammoth, Murderous Maths, Fred

Bible and writing

Spelling, yellow board of five words, test

Fred for youngest had constellations, as did the Chinese Fairy Tale of the herdsman and the weaver, links set for tomorrow.

Youngest reading:  Chinese Fairy Tales, two library books on knights, Usborne Moon and Planets, sisters read her Frog and Toad (she later read herself some) and Saint George and the Dragon;  Abeka Stepping Stones and a Dick and Jane book she read herself

Park day with friends, played board game invented by friend, put on play from Comedia del Arte.

Library time

Individual reading