Saturday, January 25, 2014


Dominoes, setting and playing, with set bought from Goodwill yesterday


Light speed

Light speed

Speed of light (one bad word)

Fun light video 

Language game

Hayak, Einstein, quiz


1.  What is the speed of light?

2.  What letter is used to represent it?

3.  What does e=mc2 mean?

4.  As you get closer to the speed of light, matter becomes more ____________.

5.  Does the speed of light in a vacuum vary or stay the same?

6.  Can you go faster than the speed of light?

7.  What would happen to time if you could travel at the speed of light, or sit on the edge of a black hole?

8.  What does Hayak call “The Rule of Law”, and why does he think it’s important for an economy to run properly?

10.  Your friend at dance class, Hilda Gilly Wells, says that anything an elected government, following a constitution, does is legal, so it follows the Rule of Law.  What would Hayak say to that?

11.  Hilda says it doesn’t matter if the government plans the economy centrally, or enforces rules arbitrarily, because the government can be voted out.  What would Hayak say to that?

Extra Credit:

1.  Sometimes it seems like it’s possible to go faster than the speed of light, because

within different frames of reference high speed travel is going to alter s_______ and


2.  Name as many people as you can that disagreed

Alien writing, orange

The reproduction of aliens

Aim not quite certain on how they do it, but, after thinking about it, I have come up with this explanation of how they reproduce. The eggs (laid by what?) hatch into the fertilizer larva, who instantly look for a parasitical victim, which is then doped with venom, allow the larva to lay its egg into its interior. The larva then dies, it's job done. When hatched, the hatchling develops into its pupa stage. But if the parasitical victim dies before the larva is fully grown into the pupa, the larva dies with it. But if all goes well, the pupa will burst out of the victim, killing it. The pupa will then convert into an adult, growing legs, and developing its eyesight. This might answer some questions, but arouses more; what laid these eggs? What creatures could be the parasitical victims? Are these creatures one of a kind, or are there different species and breeds? We may never know. 

1/23/14 Orange

Co op day

Science- more sound and hearing
Art- mosaic start

Book club
Spelling bee
Science videos- kraampf

Self writing
Science videos

1/22/14 Orange

Several books of genesis, will try to read three men in a boat.

Memory work- the Kraken by Tennyson

Need a new book for him

Narration- Indian myth
Dictation- three men and a boat
Violin practice

Read aloud
Practice writing, grip and right direction for circles. Really not comfortable for him.

1/21/14 Orange

Reading- eagle of the ninth
History- finished ch 8
Writing- rewrote Louis the pious

Dictation, editing
History- reading new Amsterdam chapter, looking at map of manhattan, broadway, Wall Street
Narration- history
Drawing, coloring

Practice writing- getting those circles in the right direction
Read aloud stories

Read aloud Three Men in a Boat

Friday, January 24, 2014


Sick a bit still

Visited museum


Individual reading

Math Mammoth

The Guns of August driving

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


 animal photos, with computer graphics

Hayak, Einstein, Usborne WWI

Lawrence of Arabia, movie (parental previewing suggested)

sick, still


Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Russian habits


Two movies, The Way Things Work physics

1/20/14 Orange

History read, discuss
Writing- Louis the pious
Memory work
Violin practice
Laser pointer geography
Reading- eagle
Read alouds- three men in a boat, wind in the willows (about halfway with both, I think)

Reading- Madeleine
Reading other
Dictation from Madeleine- she really is ready to switch over from copywork
Violin practice
Same read alouds

Read alouds- short stories, wind in the willows

Monday, January 20, 2014


Rover news


Hayak, Einstein, Usborne WWI

Reading -- middle finished Treasure Island, oldest finished Ivan Ilyich

Math Mammoth

Youngest more Dover Chinese tales

Started "Glow in the Dark Constellations", Ursa Major, pinpricked the Big Dipper on a dark paper and lit the flashlight through it

Quiz 1/20/14

1.  Einstein developed two theories.

G__________ R__________ was a theory concerning g_____________.

S___________ R___________ was a theory concerning high speed travel.

2.  One story used to explain Einsteins theory talks about two twins;  one stays on the earth and the other makes a high speed journey far into space and then returns.  What do they see when he returns?  Why?

3. Hayak says supporters of central economic planning feel it’s safe for a democratically elected government to give control of the planning to one person or a group, like an agency, because if the person or group does the wrong thing the elected officials can remove their power. What does Hayak say is the flaw in this thinking?

4.  The German leaders thought they could “bleed France white”, meaning they could win a war of attrition.  What does “war of attrition” mean?

5.  Name two of the four battles we’ve discussed.

6.  What is “shell shock”?

7.  What happened to Edith Cavell, and why?

8.  Why did the British encourage the Arabs to rebel against the Ottoman Turks?  What did the Arabs think they would gain if they did?

Extra Credit

1.  What is the speed of light?

2.   Explain what the situation would be like for a person orbiting a black hole, and for the people on Earth communicating with him through radio waves.

3.  What is AWOL?

4.  Who was Mata Hari, and what did she do?