Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Fire and Ice, because of the question in Einstein of a closed or open universe

Dark matter

CERN on dark matter, go ahead and wander the site, just don't leave it

Einstein, Hayak

hour reading, hour writing, Math Mammoth

Individual reading (finished I Saw Esau, reading some Aesop and other Fables to youngest;  youngest Treasure Island after finishing Alice; middle Messenger after Gathering Blue; middle LOTR still; oldest Wool; oldest Brideshead Revisited (preread!))

Monday, January 27, 2014


Talked about swinging all the way around, so looked it up.

Math Mammoth, Hayak, Einstein

1 hour reading, one hour writing


1/28/14 Quiz

1.  What is the Big Bang?

2.  If some scientists think there was a Big Bang at the beginning of the universe, what

do they thing might be at the end of the universe?

3.  Why?

4.   Is space mostly empty?  Why or why not?

5.  Hayak quotes Lenin as saying, “who, whom?”  What does that mean?

6.  In Rostbania, the poor people all have cars and nice houses.  Rostbania has a centrally planned economy.  In Annastan, the poor people have to ride horses and live in dirt floored huts.  Annastan has a classical liberal (free market based) economy.

Which country would Hayak rather live in?  Why?

1/25/14 Orange

Hiking through 0 degree + windchill mountains

History- finished making log books
Royal rescue
Piano practice, I hope.

Read alouds, I hope
Royal rescue (stuck on 31!)

1/24/14 Orange

History- SOTW2
Writing- letter from W the conqueror to Harold
More history- tagging along with 2. With  Easy Simulations: Explorers

2. Math
History- Explorers, explained process, picked characters, named boat, made log book covers

Read alouds
Self writing


Funny video (not for kids) about Christian youth groups (adult preview needed)

Swimming lessons list

Einstein to 196, Hayak to 100

Individual reading is now Treasure Island for youngest, finished I Saw Esau with me and reading Aesop, oldest Brideshead and Wool, middle still LOTR and The Messenger

Youngest, King of Ireland's Son with me

Math Mammoth, one hour reading (Twilight Land, Middlemarch), one hour writing

Read aloud, Grapes of Wrath (language edited)


1/27/14  Quiz

1.  What are the four “dimensions” of an “event”.

2.  Acceleration feels like ____________________.

3.  Acceleration can mean a change in either speed or d________________.

4.  Does Hayak think money is important for itself?

5.  What does Hayak say that money allows us to do?

6.  If Hayak won an award for “The Writer That Makes Home Schoolers Groan the Most”, would he rather win a prize or win cash?  Why?

7.  Central planning can restrict our freedom in what we get to consume (buy, use, etc.)

by restricting what we and what other people can pr____________. 

8.  If central planning limits what we can do for a job, how does that effect our life?  Why?

9.  Does Hayak believe planned economies produce more than non-planned economies?

10.  Are you more sick to death of the Einstein book or the Hayak book?