Saturday, January 25, 2014


Dominoes, setting and playing, with set bought from Goodwill yesterday


Light speed

Light speed

Speed of light (one bad word)

Fun light video 

Language game

Hayak, Einstein, quiz


1.  What is the speed of light?

2.  What letter is used to represent it?

3.  What does e=mc2 mean?

4.  As you get closer to the speed of light, matter becomes more ____________.

5.  Does the speed of light in a vacuum vary or stay the same?

6.  Can you go faster than the speed of light?

7.  What would happen to time if you could travel at the speed of light, or sit on the edge of a black hole?

8.  What does Hayak call “The Rule of Law”, and why does he think it’s important for an economy to run properly?

10.  Your friend at dance class, Hilda Gilly Wells, says that anything an elected government, following a constitution, does is legal, so it follows the Rule of Law.  What would Hayak say to that?

11.  Hilda says it doesn’t matter if the government plans the economy centrally, or enforces rules arbitrarily, because the government can be voted out.  What would Hayak say to that?

Extra Credit:

1.  Sometimes it seems like it’s possible to go faster than the speed of light, because

within different frames of reference high speed travel is going to alter s_______ and


2.  Name as many people as you can that disagreed

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