Friday, January 10, 2014


One hour writing
One hour reading (current reading is Pride and Prejudice, Treasure Island, and Where the Mountain Meets the Moon)
Math Mammoth

Einstein, Hayak
Usborne history WWI

Individual work

Individual reading that is not officially school, finished Sans Familia, Alcestis, The Giver, starting Brideshead, Alice's Adventures, Gathering Blue)


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Quiz 1/11/14

1.  Hayak thinks that some people who work for different causes think we need central planning because they believe they can convince the planners to do what?

2.  Give me a summary (one good, well-written paragraph) of Hayak’s argument so far.

3.  Are “gravity waves” strong or weak?

4.  If you’re talking about stars, what is a binary system?

5.  How many nations were involved in all in World War I?

6.  What were the names of the two sides in WWI?

7.  What one event sparked WWI?  Be as specific as you can.

Extra credit:

1.  If electromagnetic waves consist of particles of light called photons, “gravity waves” consist of particles called what?

2.  Why were so many countries across the world involved in WWI?  (one point for each good reason).

3.  The  Schlieffen Plan was _______________’s plan to invade ____________  through

_______________ and conquer it, then turn around and fight ______________.

4.  Who entered the war after the invasion of the neutral country of Belgium?

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