Saturday, September 14, 2013


September sky


Totally erased this day's entry.

Cleaned shed to make play house, cooked roast and veggies in a campfire.

Individual reading.

Friday, September 13, 2013

9/13/13 Pics

Painting soldiers

Hot air balloon, free play

Some kind of building, free play

Free time, created a kind of viewer with a tea box

Apple pie, with marbled nails


Morning email:

A Modest Proposal

This article on office "pods":  we have our own for home schooling, very fancy.

Dover Samples this week has piano music samples.  If you're unfamiliar, Dover Publications lets you sign up for free downloads of samples from books each week, lots of times children's books.  They send an email each week with the new sample page.

Morning work:

Math Mammoth, Murderous Math, Fred, Spelling, Bible, paragraph

(Spelling was painting two small poster boards bright yellow;  then you cut one into strips, and write difficult spelling words on them in dark black, with the hard part in block capitals;  you set the strip in the middle of the yellow field so you have the word stark against the bright background and stare at it until you can turn your eyes and see the image, or recreate it)

Killer Angels (not to be confused with Killer Angles, which would probably go with Murderous Maths)

Code Avengers

Outside play, personal sewing project, campfire with hot dogs and potatoes

Individual reading


Thursday:  Watched Pilgrim's Progress seven and eight.

Co-op day -- doesn't count in our school hours.  Science, art, music, etc.
 (Much housecleaning Wednesday and Thursday morning)

Friends over after co-op, outside playing, finishing co-op painting assignment.

Individual reading (not counted)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Email, continue games from yesterday.

Pilgrim's Progress part 5.

Pictures of people made up of their trade.

Realistic drawing.

Morning work:

Murderous Maths, Math Mammoth, Fred
Bible -- Psalm 23 to match scene from Pilgrim's Progress
Write paragraph

Tons of housecleaning for visit

Read Killer Angels

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

9/10/13 Pics


For oldest (some adult references) this video on Shakespeare's language.

All kids, Pilgrim's Progress part 4.

Sample lessons from a program on Maria Miller's newsletter, they can do four or five games.

Morning program:

Had to run to town for a regular endo appointment, listened to Songs and Dances of the Middle Ages (excellent!) and the performance version of Redwall

Painted paper Civil War soldiers from the Bellerophon Press Dover books, cut out previously -- slow going

Monday, September 9, 2013


Sent to Ipads:

Article on bearberry, which should be fruiting soon, and Lewis and Clarke.

Next Pilgrim's Progress. 

We already watched The Story of One, with Terry Jones (the youtube takes up a ton of bandwidth, fyi), but it fits with math today

Did Roman numerals, so this.

Also, playing with dinosaurs and horses/ponies while doing math, so this.

New regular work:

Murderous Maths, Fred, and one page Math Mammoth
Six Minutes a Day Spelling
Bible verse and writing, starting from Proverbs (yes, that's cheating)

(we'll continue to do large math and Bible reading from the New Testament in our rotation)

Have to register car, so travel to town and do hike, buy needles for sewing machine and hamburger

While driving, listened to CD from library with medieval song, music, dance music

Hiking at state park;  snake, water, camp robber jays flew at our hands to get our food.

Home, built campfire, cooked corn and hamburgers in foil in fire, cooked potatoes from garden in fire, ate carrots from garden

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Sunday, 8th
Individual reading (we don't count this towards school since we'd do it anyway -- in theory.  The kids read Little Women, Lord of the Rings, and Kristen Lavrandatter with me;  they are reading Ralph S. Mouse, The Sackett Brand, and Hound of the Baskervilles with dad -- sometimes they listen in on the others' books).
Lots of piano playing independently by one kid.  Lots.  Like Zu Zu's petals lots.
Clean hamster cage, rooms, baked squash and banana bread with one kid


Saturday, 7th

Finished 39 Steps, book
Mass, family visit, errands


Thursday, 5th -- co-op, Room with a View movie