Saturday, November 9, 2013

11/9/13 Orange

Spelling- hard often misspelled words
Reading- magicians elephant
Took quiz with mom


Natural speller- grade1/2, because he liked it- made a story out if the words

Library trip

Friday, November 8, 2013


Reading hour, writing hour (includes quiz) (Dorothy Sayers, various, The Wreckers), Math Mammoth

Fred, Murderous Maths, Proverbs

Einstein's Universe, The Road to Serfdom

Finished Roman Holiday (with youngest yelling, "No!!" as the credits rolled)

Lots of individual reading of library books

Quiz (actually, large test, so they get to do it with their writing -- in theory, linked to watching Thor, although we're not telling them that)

11/8/13 Quiz

1.  A common saying taken from today’s Proverbs readings is “_______ goes before the fall.”

2.  Which is taller, the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building?

3.  Hayak wrote “The Road to Serfdom” at about the time of which war?

4.  Name a country that he was trying to warn about socialism.

5.  Name the country that he believed socialism had brought to a very bad place.

6.  True or false:  According to Hayak, only bad people with evil intentions believed in socialism.

7.  Does Hayak believe that Germans are more vicious than other people?  What does he think of that idea?

8.  Einstein says part of his inspiration for his theories on gravity came after watching what happen.

9.  Explain in detail how a human body keeps itself from falling down.

10.  What do they call the state where you do not feel the force of gravity because you are falling?

11.  Close to the earth, time is ____________ than it is high above the earth;  this is

because of the effect of the earth’s ______________.

12.  If our Earth were compressed into a black hole, it would be about what size?

13.  Explain what the event horizon of a black hole is, and what makes it an event horizon.

14.  True or false:  Light has mass.

15.  True or false:  Light is affected by gravity.

16.  Circle the correct answer:  Gravity creates a small redshift / blueshift in white light.

17.  Answer the following questions in paragraph form using what we read from “Letters of a Woman Homesteader”, using a separate sheet of paper.

Describe in detail the main character of the book (50 to 100 words).

18.  Describe your favorite supporting character, and explain why he or she is your favorite. (50 to 100 words)

19.  The story is told in the form of letters – do you feel it still has a plot?  Why or why not?  (25 to 50 words)

20.  Mrs. Stewart describes the landscape quiet a bit in her letters.  In 25 to 50 words, either tell me about one of the landscapes she described or tell me why you think Mrs. Stewart wrote about the land so much.

21.  Do you feel like people today can understand the kind of life Mrs. Stewart lived?  Why or why not?

Extra Credit: 

1.  Write 1/45 as a decimal number.

2.  Hayak writes that “we are all socialists now”.  What did he mean by that, and how does he think we should proceed if that is true?

3.  Why would white light beamed from space right outside a black hole’s event horizon out to an astronaut far from the black hole look red?

4.  Time near a white dwarf start is slowed down by about one ______ a _______.

5.  What do you think Jerrine was feeling during the time Mrs. Stewart’s letters were being written?

11/7/13 Pics

11/7/13 Orange

Ward method

Book club
History, narration, copywork

Chess piece moving
Read alouds

11/7/13 Pics

My non-reader reads a ton now, love the cross-legged kid thing

We will be in trouble if they are ever required to work solely at a desk

Notebook paper nails

Pipe cleaners and Scotch tape

Duct tape

Picnic with friend


Math games, for youngest but oldest can play:



Day out -- still coughing, so no co-op

Nature center and hike

Museum with the money of the Civil War


Part of "Roman Holiday"

Individual reading

Thursday, November 7, 2013

11/6/13 Orange

History- read SOTW2
Birthday card, thank you notes
Reading, middle moffats, 20,000 leagues
Memory work

Memory work

Piano playing

A lot of outside, beautiful,weather

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

11/5/13 Orange

Math- ooh, functions, lines!
Reading- leagues
History/writing- review of chapter 5, Germanic tribes post fall of Rome
Memory work- chose new poem from Harp and Laurel Wreath, Why Tigers Can't Climb. Has most of it memorized.
Violin practice

Trit Trot Trit Trot
Reading- Mysterious Benedict society
History- read ch 1 SOTW3
Memory Work- poem choice- the puffin

<trit trot trit trot>
Much reading, Beowulf
Reenacting Beowulf
Legos (I'm counting this from now on)
Piano playing


On H

Finished Homesteader, read Einstein's, Math Mammoth, reading, writing

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


The blue light in dentistry -- not a laser

Atomic clock

Atomic clock experiment

Math Mammoth, Einstein's Universe, Letters Homesteader, hour reading, hour writing, house jobs, made own moving gif

11/4/13 Orange

Book club

Violin practice

Fun stuff
Writing for fun

Monday, November 4, 2013


Resin art

catch up on links

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Soviets and space

For after the other links, if these work on computers


Einstein's Universe, Letters of a Woman Homesteader

Proverbs 15

Reading hour (Practical Cats, Fever, Dorothy Sayers), writing hour (NaNoWriMo, etc.), Math Mammoth

time outside collecting firewood, learning golf

Quiz 11/4

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Quiz 11/4/13

1.  “The nether world and the abyss lie open before the LORD;
        how much more the hearts of men!”

What attribute of God is this proverb referring to?

2.  Tell me one of the recurring themes in Proverbs so far.

3.  What is “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation” better known as?

4.  9,192,631,770 vibrations of the microwave radiation emitted by caesium-133 atoms

during a specific atomic rearrangement equals one s____________.

5.  Name one of the way that people use to track the passage of time, to measure time.

6.  Hafele and Keating experimented with relativity and time by bringing clocks onto

______ and going __________, then comparing the clocks with clocks on the ground.

7.  Why do clocks run a little bit (very little) faster at higher altitudes (what are they affected by)?

8.  The survivors of Magellan’s expedition got home and found that what had happened?

9.  How did Aggie McEttrick make sure she got her money’s worth from the hotel?  Why was this a good or bad idea?  Explain fully.

10.  Why was Jerrine angry with God about the new baby?

11.  Why couldn’t the party get through the canon to the dinner on the first night?

12.  N’Yawk said several times that his father had “waded in bloody gore up to his neck and that he was a chip off the old block”.  Why was this ironic?


No Mass, colds.

All Souls yesterday, prayers for those in purgatory.  Not as many as we should have said.

Lots of individual reading -- made progress in Kristin and in Lord of the Rings.  Middle daughter own art and piano, put away Halloween decorations and cleaned house, sort of, with new job plan (points based) for kids.

Watched movie "Sarah, Plain and Tall", noting differences.