Saturday, October 5, 2013


Birthday day, so cake and birthday dinner and The Incredibles

Murderous Maths, Bible Proverbs

Read aloud some of Fraser's Vicksburg, wasn't going to do whole book but it seems to be excellent writing and history, so will finish (library find)

Will also review Under Siege, read some of Lincoln's Melancholy, great book but too long for this year

Older girls read by first fire of the year, Gettysburg by Johnson (little reinforcement, not much else) and Landau's Would You Lead the Fight (well done, innovative, we'll be looking for her others) -- library finds.

Youngest made part of a pretty clumpy crochet doll blanket

Previously melted wax to seal card for the mail to explain sealing wax in Seven Little Postmen (gotta love the MWB)

Youngest read quietly on her own A Bargain for Francis -- lots of questions on that one


Co-op and grocery

Friday, October 4, 2013

10/4/13 PIcs

Running and hiding in the woods

Can you see her?

Looking closer.

Pen and Ink from Roof of the World book

Fungus on tree stump with grass growing from it

Wednesday, October 2, 2013



What you get when you look up cottages on Bantry Bay

Reader's theater to do with youngest

Morning wake up to the rest of The Sound of Music (they are learning the sounds on the piano, hopefully soon on the recorder)

Went over a brief summary of the American Civil War, then reviewed pictures from Swafford Johnson's Great Battles of the Civil War

When watching commentary on The Incredibles later, they noticed the actress who plays Violet has a hair and a picture of John Brown on the wall

Pen, brush and ink drawings using "The Roof of the World" illustrations as a model

Collected wood and started running and hiding from me while I was taking pictures

10/2/13 PIcs

Trying to learn when you don't feel good -- note circles under the eyes.

Learning with pets.

What to do when you can't find the math book.

From Murderous Maths, cutting the corners off triangles to show the angles add to a straight line.

Free playing, student initiated.

Random stuff, learning makes a mess.

10/1/13 Blue

All- Extremely fun 4 hours at Co op friends' house. Pony, chickens, goats, soccer, football, battles, beautiful weather. Worth more than a month of school days.

Finished Ch. 3 History, reviewed with me
Practiced Violin

Soccer Practice

Read What's a Fossil? to me

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

9/30/13 Blue

Book club
Ward method (music theory via vocal instruction)
Science (gases, brownian motion)
History- ch. 3 reading
Math- Zeus on the loose

Ward method
History -SOTW2 (almost done so we can start 3)
Math- Zeus

Reading to me

Monday, September 30, 2013


Video together on Sudbury school

Couple news stories, here and here 

How to example for oldest

Math game

Crochet and math , with video

Sick kid day 9/30, full of video (Tiny Toons, Sound of Music, Veggie Tales, much loved DVD, Rigoletto), so this list moved to 10/1

Morning work

Math Mammoth, youngest own worksheet homemade, Murderous Maths, Bible Proverbs, Play Piano in a Flash for Kids (middle daughter made a connection I didn't know she's missed, youngest got out recorder music sheets and picked out notes on piano, new concept for her)

New books reading with youngest, in addition to Abeka:
The Wonder Child & Other Jewish Fairy Tales (had to reinforce that wishes aren't the same as prayers, but fine otherwise so far)
The Magic Brocade (Chinese text opposite English, able to pick out some symbols)
Tales from the Roof of the World (good ink art to copy)

Books are just picked off the shelf at the library

Brocade has a reader's theater here.

On the side, short Pim video on Mandarin.

Middle read Cottage at Bantry Bay

Youngest own Abeka pages

Oldest did work for co-op, module one to test of Apologia general science

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Normally we don't work on Sunday, but we needed to complete the book before forgetting the narrative and we needed to pre-make up for the work we'll be missing Mon/Tues

Finished The Killer Angels, very great resource on Gettysburg but caution that it is deeply affecting and there is language you'd expect in the voices of soldiers

On request watched library videos

The Way Things Work Pulleys and TWTW Levers

Math Challenge, Multiples and Factors

9/28/13 Blue

History reading out loud to me
Violin practice
20,000 leagues reading
Richard Scarry literature discussion with mom

Soccer game
Violin practice



Killer Angels while traveling


Visit family
