Saturday, November 30, 2013

11/29/13 Pics

Crochet hat, no pattern

Doll hammock

Fabric covered box -- all crafts self-directed, using craft books and sites


Lots of Connections, trying to get it back to library
Math Mammoth and Spectrum Math
independent reading, crafts, piano

Friday, November 29, 2013


Thanksgiving cooking, individual reading, lots of oldest crafting

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

11/26/13 Orange

Red giant
Memory work- why tigers can't climb,chesterton's a Christmas carol
Reading- good night sweet ladies
To both 

Yellow Sun
Math- math mammoth fractions, plus asked about decimals, so got a mommy lecture on that
Yesterday piano practice

White Dwarf
Started his own written narration of Jack and the Beanstalk. Drawing, too.
Much exercising- laps around the house 

Read aloud- 


Madonna and child


Fred, Proverbs 22, Piano in a Flash, Kipling, Almeyer, Einstein, Hayak


Math Mammoth, 1 hour reading (Pride, National Geographic, Treasure Island), 1 hour writing.

2 hours outside, sledding, cutting wood

3/4 hour work with youngest, astronomy and King of Ireland's son, oldest Apologia general science

No hobby hour, but oldest knitted hat, made fabric-covered box, and made treasure box, all from library book and internet site suggestions

Looked up "the little corporal".


Indiv. reading (now reading Little Women, Lord of the Rings, and Kristen Lavransdatter still;  with dad reading another Brian book -- Brian's Winter, Nobody's Boy (Sans Familia), and Bartleby the Scrivener)


1.  Name one thing Proverbs says about being rich (there are many possibilities).

2.  Draw a whole note.

3.  Draw a half note.

4.  Draw a quarter note.

5.  Draw an eighth note.

6.  If a whole note is worth 4 beats, how much is a half note worth?

7.  A quarter note?

8.  An eighth note?

9.  Einstein’s theories had much to do with laws of gravity.  Who was the main scientist to describe laws of gravity before Einstein?

10.  Which British author did they compare Kipling to in this part of his autobiography?  Name one book by this author.

11.  “What has always made the state a hell on earth has been precisely that man has tried

to make it his ____________.”  F. Hoelderlin

12.  The first socialists, says Hayak, developed their ideas directly after what revolution?

13.  Hayak says the first socialists believed socialism could only work under what kind of government?

14.  Hayak says for socialism to appeal to people who liked democracy, socialists had to change the meaning of what word?

15.  Does Hayak believe fascism and communism are very different things (softball question!).

Extra Credit

1.   What is the formula for the area of a circle?

2.  Where were the Congressmen going to do Congressional investigations in Fred?  Why is that a joke?

3.  For #10 above, name as many other books by that author as you can.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Links for youngest's astronomy, galaxies

From AZ astronomy class page

same source on the Milky Way

Hubble pics

Typer Island youngest and middle, continue Red Cross class online for oldest

Kickback day -- lots of stalling about moving off the computer, complaining about getting down to work.

So altered plans to do a ton of book work, independently.

Oldest:  catechism chapter and questions,
first language lessons reading review (older version)
Spectrum math, four pages of review
grammar worksheets

Middle:  catechism with questions
grammar worksheets
three math mammoth and a spectrum math review
abeka health book (older version), read chapter and answer questions on nutrition

Sam's Club reading and math workbook, several pages
Math Mammoth page
copy work, alphabet

Quiz from yesterday:

11/26/13 Quiz

1.  Name one piece of advice Proverbs tends to repeat.

2.  On a treble clef, what are the letter names for the notes that lie on the lines?

3.  On a treble clef, what are the letter names for the notes that lie in the spaces?

4.  If you are going to  make 50 payments, does it make more sense for you (save you more money) if you start with a penny and double each payment or if you start with $100 and add $100 for each payment? 

5.  Classical liberal economists like Hayak, who oppose socialism and are for individualism, would consider it good to make laws against businesses acting as monopolies.  Why?

6.  Hayak wanted to point out that many American and British socialists thought their ideas were pretty new, when they had actually been discussed many years before in what country?

7.  Which did Einstein do first, develop his theories, or develop the math that demonstrates his theories?

8.  Light bends near a massive object because it tend to fall towards that object, but the

effect is doubled because the gravity affects both s_____ and t_______.

9.  When he was 24 years old, where was Kipling living?  (what country, and in about what kind of living quarters)

10.  What did he learn from where he lived, and how did it affect his writing?

11.  Why is Lakamba treating Almayer better than he had treated him before?

12.  Who is Babalatchi, the one eyed man, and why is Almayer irritated by him?

13.  What secret does Babalatchi go to tell his boss?

14.  What is Almayer preparing to do with his business?

Extra Credit:

1. (two points) In question 4 above, if you made the wrong decision, at which payment would you have started paying too much? 

2.  Einstein knew several years before he won it that he would probably win what prize?

3.   Kipling wrote “Mary, Pity Women” after conversation with whom?

4.  What did Kipling’s friend in his club tell him about groups and writers and how to behave towards them?

5.  Dain is probably interested in marrying Nina.  Who else has said he wanted to marry Nina?


Monday, November 25, 2013


No morning links

Murderous Maths, finished book #1
Proverbs 20, have settled on Jerusalem Bible
Play Piano in a Flash for Kids, couple pages
Hayak, finished chapter 1
Einstein, finished chapter 5?
Kipling, more of autobiography and one poem
Almayer's Folly

individual physiology reading

individual work on piano songs

 Santa letter and catalogue and internet search on dolls

Youngest studied Skywatcher galaxies chapter, internet pictures from Hubble, King of Ireland's son
While middle joined in or read fun book
Oldest did co-op catchup work in Apologia General Science

Math Mammoth, hour reading (Pride, Traveler), write (nanowrimo, just free writing)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

11/22/13 Orange


Writing- rewrite paragraph changing tense
Finished 20000 leagues
Thank you note


Coloring, drawing

Almost done with 5 peppers...

11/21/13 Orange

Co op

Art- icon work
History- group discussion
Science- more light

Book discussion- phantom tollbooth



Neanderthals (some stupid risque jokes for no reason, but the rest is interesting)


Individual reading



Math Mammoth
Individual reading
Middle finished Forge