Saturday, January 25, 2014

Alien writing, orange

The reproduction of aliens

Aim not quite certain on how they do it, but, after thinking about it, I have come up with this explanation of how they reproduce. The eggs (laid by what?) hatch into the fertilizer larva, who instantly look for a parasitical victim, which is then doped with venom, allow the larva to lay its egg into its interior. The larva then dies, it's job done. When hatched, the hatchling develops into its pupa stage. But if the parasitical victim dies before the larva is fully grown into the pupa, the larva dies with it. But if all goes well, the pupa will burst out of the victim, killing it. The pupa will then convert into an adult, growing legs, and developing its eyesight. This might answer some questions, but arouses more; what laid these eggs? What creatures could be the parasitical victims? Are these creatures one of a kind, or are there different species and breeds? We may never know. 

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